Alternative Suspension

What Is Alternative Suspension?

Alternative Suspension is a proactive, early-intervention programme designed to support young people facing behavioural, academic, or emotional challenges that put them at risk of suspension or disengagement from school. Developed by YMCA Canada and adapted by YMCA Dublin to address the unique needs of our community, Alternative Suspension provides a safe, structured environment where young people can continue their education while developing essential life skills and emotional resilience.

Unlike traditional discipline methods, Alternative Suspension aims to address the root causes of school difficulties, helping students re-engage with their education and build the tools they need for long-term success.

Programme Objectives

The objectives of the Alternative Suspension Programme includes:

Providing students with a supportive, structured environment to reflect on their challenges

Equipping students with coping skills to improve engagement with school and community

Enabling students to achieve positive, measurable changes in academic performance and behaviour


Reducing the need for further disciplinary measures by addressing root cause

How It Works


  1. Referral and Assessment
    Students are referred to Alternative Suspension by their school based on specific behavioural, academic, or emotional needs. This ensures that those who most need focused support receive it at a critical time.

  2. Tailored Support and Skill-Building
    During the programme, each student receives individualised guidance and support, including:
  • Academic support and tutoring to stay connected to schoolwork
  • Emotional support focused on managing emotions and building resilience
  • Skills development, covering topics like conflict resolution, emotional regulation, and self-awareness

Through both one-to-one sessions and group activities, students explore topics such as anger management, peer influence, and positive decision-making. These sessions equip them with practical tools to improve their behaviour, communication, and relationships.

  1. Collaboration with Schools and Families
    The programme team works closely with parents and school staff to create a holistic support system, ensuring consistent reinforcement across home, school, and the Alternative Suspension environment.

  2. Reintegration
    Upon completing the programme, each student’s reintegration into school is carefully planned. A personalised reintegration plan, developed in collaboration with school staff and family, helps ensure a smooth transition, providing students with continued support and guidance as they re-engage with their education.
Young female teenager with neon hair extensions seated in chair

Student Success Stories

Smiling head shot of teenage boy


A personalised approach to learning helped transform Richard’s experience, taking him from disengaged to focused, with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. “It really helped me calm down at school and changed my mindset,” he shared, reflecting on the impact Alternative Suspension had on his attitude toward education.

Female teenager leaning against blue brick wall with arms folded


From initially refusing to attend school to now envisioning a career in beauty therapy and even exploring a future in law, Abbie’s journey highlights the transformative power of Alternative Suspension. “I didn’t enjoy anything before, and last year I didn’t think I’d be making plans for the future. Now I have my whole life planned out,” she said, capturing her newfound hope and determination.

Partner Testimonials

Bearded adult male with arms folded standing in front of white boards

“Our partnership with YMCA Dublin has transformed our approach, embedding trauma-informed practices and restorative methods into our school. The Alternative Suspension reports provide deep insights, showing students’ progress and guiding us in continued support. This programme isn’t just about managing behaviour; it’s about creating success in school and life.”

Barry, Deputy Principal

Female adult standing in corridor with arms folded

“Alternative Suspension has been a lifeline. One student, once viewed as ‘the bold child,’ not only improved attendance but has transformed, and starred in the school musical. It’s not about excluding them; it’s about finding ways to include them. We’d be lost without it.”

Anne, Guidance Counsellor

Get Involved

Teachers and School Staff
If you know a student who could benefit from Alternative Suspension, please contact Susie at We value collaboration with schools to help students thrive.

Parents and Guardians
Alternative Suspension provides a structured, safe environment where your child can reflect on challenges and build the skills they need to thrive. If your child has been referred to Alternative Suspension, please feel free to reach out to discuss how it can support their success. Contact Susie at for more information.

Support and Partnerships
YMCA Dublin relies on the generous support of funders and partners to deliver impactful programmes like Alternative Suspension, which provide young people with vital resources to stay engaged in their education and build brighter futures. Without essential funding, this would not be possible. By contributing to Alternative Suspension, you play a crucial role in helping young people overcome challenges and develop the skills they need to succeed.For more information on partnership opportunities and how your support can make a difference, please contact Ashling at


What are some of the reasons students may be referred to the programme for?
AS is a programme that is not just for students who have been suspended. We also want to work with Students at an earlier stage. If you have a student that is in need of some time away from the school environment but they are able to continue their schoolwork and participate in workshops you can refer them to AS.
How long is the Alternative Suspension Programme?
We have students on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9.30am. We are open to having students longer and we have begun to incorporate additional support for students who have completed their participations. 

While students are with us, we ask what support from us could help them over a longer period of time.  We discuss this with the school, parents and student and if everyone is in agreement, the student can come to AS 1 day a week for a period of 4-6 weeks. They have signed an agreement plan to continue to work on what they have written in the plan. This has been a really important step for us as it means we are integrated into their school week and we can continue the work that we did in the 3 days but more consistently over time. 

What does the day look like?

What does the day look like?
The programme will run from 9.30am – 2.00pm
Arrival time is 9.30am.

9.30am – Arrive at the Y

9.30am – 9.40am: Intro to the days topic and fill in their Student Aims form

9.40am – 10.40am – School Work Pt 1.

10.40am – 11.00am – Break/Game

11.00am – 11.30am – Workshop/Discussion Pt. 1

11.30am – 12.15pm – Break (sports hall & lunch)

12.15pm – 1.15pm – School Work Pt. 2

1.15pm – 2.00pm – Workshop Pt. 3 incl. Reflection *

2.00pm – Finish


– Students do not need to wear their uniform.

– They do need to bring their school bag with books and a pen. If they use Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams and have a laptop, they can bring that with them also. If they don’t have a laptop and need one, we have one they can use.

– Any work that is done on paper will be given to the school at the reintegration meeting.

– A student can use headphones and listen to music while they do their work.

– We ask that students bring lunch with them but if they need lunch to let us know and we can provide it.

What is individual assistance and will every participant have that?

The AS team aims to provide individual assistance to every participant who is referred to the programme and this looks different to every young person. Some may need help with schoolwork while others are happy to do it themselves. Throughout the day participants will have time to chat with one the team about how they are doing and this can often come up when we are helping them with schoolwork. This is why we use worksheets (aims form, helicopter view of their life and how they learn) as it opens up conversation from the beginning of the participation.

What workshops/group discussions will be facilitated?

We want to make sure that the workshops are on topics and are relevant to the participants. This is why the referral form and the individual sessions are so important as it gives us an idea of the issues that are coming up for the participants. There are workshops on conflict management, respect, responsibility, compromising and even some workshops where they have to work as a team. We also want to work with participants on finding out their strengths, what they value and understand what could help them when they return to school.

What happens after a young person finishes in the programme?
When a young person completes their time in the programme a reintegration meeting will happen the following day with the school and any other support the young person has.

During this meeting I go through the AS report that is compiled over the course of the 3 days the students have been with us. With the school, we talk about what could be helpful for the student moving forward. I will also talk about the possibility of the student coming back for 1 day a week over a series of weeks.

Can a young person be referred to the Alternative Suspension Programme more than once?
Yes. We want to provide a service that supports young people who need to step away from the school community. A young person may be referred to us more than once for different reasons.
How do I refer a student to AS?
Firstly, thank you for engaging in this programme and wanting to refer a student.

Secondly, let’s have a chat! Don’t hesitate to give me (Susie) a call, or drop me an email and ask as many questions as you need to.

Thirdly, I will send you 2 forms; 1 is the referral form you, the school will fill out and the other is a parental consent form, which asks the parent for consent to allow the school to give information to us about their child, as well as a few other points of information that is needed.

Once both forms have been completed, a photo or a scan of both forms can be sent to my email address and I will then make contact with the parent and talk them through the programme and any questions they may have.

Lastly, in order for the student to be up to date with school work, we need the assigned school work before they start and what, if any, programme they may be using; Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams. Work can be sent to me by email and I can print it out.

Graphic stating that we are proud to be supported by the RTE Toy Show Appeal in association with The Community Foundation of Ireland. Charity number CHY 13967

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